I was born the second oldest of eight children, the first daughter. I stepped into a parental role around the age of five years old. [...]
I was born the second oldest of eight children, the first daughter. I stepped into a parental role around the age of five years old. [...]
Before coming to Mercy, I was always moving from shelter to shelter or from one relative’s house to another. Each move was very hard for [...]
Growing up, there was something that always stirred up my soul, and that was love! The feeling and thought of love always had me daydreaming. [...]
I was born in Bulgaria to a woman who did not want me. I was taken to an orphanage where there were many orphaned babies [...]
Before Mercy, my life was filled with fear, anxiety, and depression. These things from an early age craftily poured into my life. When I was [...]
I was born in a refugee camp in Nairobi, Kenya. My father, mother, two older sisters, and I were given the opportunity to come to [...]
At a young age, my parents divorced, then my father left the picture and did not return. At age ten, my mom started dating an [...]
Following my parents’ divorce, I was never somewhere long enough to feel at home. When I was eleven, the sexual abuse I was experiencing stopped, [...]
My parents divorced when I was young, so I lived with my mom growing up. I would hang out with friends who weren't the best [...]
Due to the toxic environment in my home life, I struggled with depression and anxiety from a very young age. I believed I was a [...]
I was born to two loving but very broken parents. They tried to work things out, but by the time I was six years old, [...]
From a young age, I felt trapped, isolated, and surrounded by chaos due to the environment I was living in. I can remember feeling alone, [...]