When Grief Comes to Visit
Grief is sneaky. In early July, I woke up very out of sorts one day. I snapped at my husband, growled through my workday, and was generally not nice to myself or to others. By [...]
Making Room for the Truth
One of the easiest things to let build up in our hearts is negativity. The enemy loves to see us spiral and let one bad thought lead to a thousand more. And when our hearts are [...]
Stopping Fear at the Root
We may be fearful of a lot of things in life. For some people, they fear rejection or missing out on social gatherings and feeling out of the loop in their social circles. Some people [...]
Hearing God’s Voice
Have you ever wondered how to listen to God? Not just listen to Him, but also recognize His voice when He speaks. It requires you to first get to know who God is before you [...]
Scriptures to Encourage You Today
In recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month, we want to resource and encourage you no matter what you are going through. Maybe you’re in a season of joy and your relationship with the Lord has [...]
Cultivating Thankfulness
Taking time to reflect on all that God has given us is a powerful tool for living a full and joyful life. Gratitude and thankfulness help you redirect your focus on the blessings of God [...]