Growing up I developed an approval addiction and a desire to be perfect. The expectations to be the best and present myself as such, being [...]
Growing up I developed an approval addiction and a desire to be perfect. The expectations to be the best and present myself as such, being [...]
Before coming to Mercy, I grew up in a loving Christ-centered family home. However, this didn't stop the enemy from going into overdrive to destroy [...]
I was raised in a Christian home with both of my parents and my three siblings. I grew up constantly surrounded by people who loved [...]
I was born into a single parent home with my mom and older sister. Despite my dad’s absence from my life, I felt secure in [...]
Growing up, I didn’t know much about God. I saw Him as a stern and strict Father. As a young child, my family seemed mostly [...]
Though I grew up in a Christian home and accepted Jesus into my heart as a child, I never fully pursued God, and I didn’t [...]
I was born in Bulgaria to a woman who did not want me. I was taken to an orphanage where there were many orphaned babies [...]
Following my parents’ divorce, I was never somewhere long enough to feel at home. When I was eleven, the sexual abuse I was experiencing stopped, [...]
Due to the toxic environment in my home life, I struggled with depression and anxiety from a very young age. I believed I was a [...]
I was born to two loving but very broken parents. They tried to work things out, but by the time I was six years old, [...]
From a young age, I felt trapped, isolated, and surrounded by chaos due to the environment I was living in. I can remember feeling alone, [...]
Sinking beneath the weight of depression, anxiety, self-harm, and eating disorders, my heart gave into accusing voices and attempted suicide. Drugs and alcohol aided in [...]