

2022-10-13T15:46:05-05:00Feb 5, 2019|2019, Lives Transformed|

"While at Mercy, I have fostered an intimacy with God beyond words. I have come to see myself as the bride of Christ and a child of the living God!"

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Jenni Lee

2020-09-22T14:59:28-05:00Dec 31, 2018|2018, Lives Transformed|

"God has completely transformed my view of Him since I’ve been at Mercy. I have developed a personal relationship with Him."

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2022-10-13T15:56:02-05:00Dec 31, 2018|2018, Lives Transformed|

My life before coming to Mercy was chaotic and depressing. I was so heavy in my eating disorder that I didn't think I would live [...]

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2022-10-13T15:58:12-05:00Dec 31, 2018|2018, Lives Transformed|

My biological family was really healthy when I was young.  We went to church every week, and I got saved when I was young. However, [...]

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2022-10-13T15:59:08-05:00Dec 31, 2018|2018, Lives Transformed|

I was physically abused when I was young. In the 8th grade, an eating disorder began to form, and in high school, I became depressed, [...]

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2022-10-13T16:01:35-05:00Dec 31, 2018|2018, Lives Transformed|

My birth mom was in an abusive relationship, and her boyfriend would sometimes get upset and beat her. I wanted to defend her, but I [...]

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2022-10-13T16:20:25-05:00Nov 5, 2018|2018, Lives Transformed|

My life had always been in complete chaos since I could remember. I grew up in a severely dysfunctional home and was sexually molested by [...]

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2022-10-13T16:30:50-05:00Oct 17, 2018|2018, Lives Transformed|

I grew up in a loving but struggling home. My parents were very young when they had me. Throughout my whole life I was bullied [...]

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2022-10-14T10:23:50-05:00Sep 17, 2018|2018, Lives Transformed|

I was born into a loving, Christian home. However, I grew up in a conservative church environment which resulted in the development of a very [...]

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2022-10-14T10:24:31-05:00Sep 17, 2018|2018, Lives Transformed|

Before I came to Mercy, I experienced a lot of sexual and verbal abuse throughout my life. My childhood was very chaotic and there was [...]

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