

2022-01-28T13:46:27-06:00Dec 1, 2021|2021, Lives Transformed|

Sinking beneath the weight of depression, anxiety, self-harm, and eating disorders, my heart gave into accusing voices and attempted suicide. Drugs and alcohol aided in [...]

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Cast Your Cares and Let Them Go

2022-10-01T15:26:42-05:00Aug 17, 2021|Miscellanous|

This past year has felt heavy to me, and even the past few weeks have felt very heavy. It isn’t that anything in particular has [...]

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5 Scriptures For Fighting Worry

2022-10-01T15:57:25-05:00Apr 6, 2021|Miscellaneous|

Sometimes it looks like a sleepless night. Other times, your heart begins to beat faster and faster. Maybe you get sick to your stomach or [...]

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2022-10-01T15:58:57-05:00Mar 30, 2021|2021, Lives Transformed|

When I was three and a half, my parents got divorced, so my mom, brother, and I went to go live with my great-grandparents. We [...]

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2022-10-01T16:08:25-05:00Mar 30, 2021|2021, Lives Transformed|

I grew up as your typical middle child. I was lost and felt like I had no identity of my own. Living in a toxic [...]

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2022-10-03T13:10:53-05:00Dec 15, 2020|2020, Lives Transformed|

When I was a small child, a family member was physically and spiritually abusive towards me. They also heavily favored my brother over me which [...]

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2022-10-03T13:48:15-05:00Jul 5, 2020|2020, Lives Transformed|

"Jesus truly met me in my darkness and brought so much peace, joy, and light. He healed my heart, healed my body, and restored my joy."

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2022-10-03T13:53:03-05:00Jun 23, 2020|2020, Lives Transformed|

"God continually spoke the name “worthy” over me during my season at Mercy. He dismantled shame’s loudest lie with just this one whispered word."

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2022-10-03T13:59:33-05:00Jun 15, 2020|2020, Lives Transformed|

"God spoke to me constantly that I have nothing to fear, but God Himself. Mercy helped me reach true restoration in my faith, uproot all the lies Satan tried to demolish me with, and taught me how to speak truth and life over myself."

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