Hey, everyone! Welcome to MercyTalk! We’re excited to continue our new series, “Thriving in Your Relationship with God”. All month long, we’ll be taking a closer look at what it means to not merely exist in our relationship with the Lord, but rather, to flourish and thrive! In this episode, we take a closer look at how trusting that we’ve truly been forgiven serves to fuel our relationship with Him!

Also in today’s episode:

  • Trusting God’s forgiveness and forgiving ourselves
  • God’s goodness in the midst of our wrestling
  • Combating the lies of the enemy with what God has spoken over us

This may sound like a bunch of “Christianese” at first, but the reality is, living life as a beloved child of God is a critical part of experiencing intimacy with the Father. When we struggle to really believe this for ourselves, we live with an orphan-like mentality instead of the confidence and freedom that comes from being claimed as His child!