Mercy Multiplied Graduates Give Back
At Mercy Multiplied, we value our volunteers and their time and energy that they give to us. Over the years we have had individuals volunteer with our events and gatherings, as well as in our corporate office. We’ve also had groups of volunteers help around the homes. We appreciate the willingness and the serving hearts of our volunteers that so freely give their time and energy to Mercy. Volunteering with Mercy not only helps the staff, but the residents greatly appreciate it as well. It shows the current residents that people care about their success in finding freedom and transformation.
We don’t expect graduates to serve or volunteer with us, but many girls choose to bless us with their servant’s heart and love for the ministry. For example, two Mercy Graduates, Heather and Lindsay, found meaning in serving and giving back to the place that transformed their lives and volunteer at Mercy on a regular basis. Heather shared her testimony at a recent Guidelines Workshop in Nashville and Lindsay shared her testimony at the recent Friends of Mercy Luncheon in Nashville. We asked Heather and Lindsay why they choose to serve and volunteer with Mercy. Here’s what they shared:
Heather said,
I volunteer for Mercy for several reasons. For one, I am blown away at how the Lord used this ministry to intervene into my life. How can I not give back in some way? When I serve, I am reminded of countless others who served – some of whom I met, and others who I never knew about. Yet they both made such an impact on my life and the time I was a resident. I can only hope my service makes the smallest of ripples for another girl just like me.
Lindsay had a similar response,
Reason one is because it feels like an honor and privilege to give back to a place that has poured so much into me. I could never outgive what Mercy has already given to me, but I’d like to try! Reason two is because I am ALWAYS encouraged when I am involved with Mercy. That could be serving, or simply attending a Mercy event, or even connecting with the Mercy staff. When I stay connected with the mission and vision of Mercy, especially in regards to serving, I am reminded of the miracles God has done in my life and what a big part of my life Mercy was, and always will be. I never want to forget what God has done for me, especially during my time at Mercy, because it changed and saved my life- and the more I remember that, the more grateful I am! The more grateful I am, the less hard circumstances can have an effect on me!
Mercy Multiplied welcomes corporate, home or intern volunteers. To see a list of volunteer opportunities, click here. When you volunteer at Mercy Multiplied, you’re helping change lives!

Graduate Lindsay shares her testimony at a Friends of Mercy Luncheon.

Graduate Heather shares her testimony at a Guidelines Workshop.