2024 Lives Transformed2024-08-29T16:29:46-05:00

2024 Lives Transformed

On this page, you will find stories from people whose lives have been transformed through the power of Christ.

Graduate stories are written from information given to Mercy by the graduate herself and are posted on this website with the graduate’s full knowledge and permission.


Growing up I developed an approval addiction and a desire to be perfect. The expectations to be the best and present myself as such, being [...]


I was so burdened with sin and distress that I let the world quickly define me, which led to people pleasing and striving for the [...]


Growing up was unhealthy emotionally, physically, and sexually. Due to my circumstances and the death of loved ones, I believed lies about myself, which caused [...]


My life before I came to Mercy was filled with a lot of anger and grief from my adoption trauma. I didn't have any knowledge [...]


I was born in a poor, improvised country in Nicaragua. The eight years I was there were full of some great things but mostly a [...]


My life before Mercy was filled with abuse and neglect. My childhood forced me to grow up fast. Because of the pain I endured I [...]


Growing up, my childhood was anything but a fairy tale. I was a victim of child sex trafficking and satanic ritual abuse. I learned that [...]

