2020 Lives Transformed
On this page, you will find stories from people whose lives have been transformed through the power of Christ.
Graduate stories are written from information given to Mercy by the graduate herself and are posted on this website with the graduate’s full knowledge and permission.
"The chains of shame, guilt, and condemnation that had held me captive for years broke. Without the chains, I began to see myself as a daughter of God and grow in an intimate relationship with my heavenly Father."
"At Mercy, I learned about my authority in Christ and who I am as a child of God and that Satan did not have the power to oppress me with anything."
"While at Mercy, I felt God. I felt His presence, and I experienced healing. God showed me who He is and who I am."
"God started breaking the cycles of addiction in me and the miracle happened in the breaking. I am so grateful to have a Savior and Lord who meets me in my brokenness."
"I don't have to have it all together, I just have to know the one who put it all together. He does not want perfection out of me, He just simply wants me because I was made perfect in Him."
"Before Mercy, I thought God could not love someone like me, and that my actions determined if He loved me or not. I now know that my God is the ultimate comforter, counselor, and friend, and that in His presence I am safe."
"God showed me what areas I needed to surrender to Him. He has taught me I was never a mistake."
"To the donors, God bless you for all of your support work and prayers. Because of your blessings, God has changed my life and I can live and serve Him zealously."