2014 Lives Transformed2020-09-22T16:07:47-05:00

2014 Lives Transformed

On this page, you will find stories from people whose lives have been transformed through the power of Christ.

Graduate stories are written from information given to Mercy by the graduate herself and are posted on this website with the graduate’s full knowledge and permission.


Bekah - 2014 Graduate I was raised in a Christian home. I tried my best to be "good" so I could [...]


Annalise - 2014 Graduate I grew up in a Christian home, but anger claimed my house. I remember sitting in my [...]


Amber - 2014 Graduate I grew up with little adult supervision in my home and often had to play the role [...]


Alexis - 2014 Graduate My parents were never married when they had me and separated when I was really young. They [...]


Winter - 2014 Graduate I grew up in a pastor's family that put a lot of emphasis on outward appearance and [...]


Valorie - 2014 Graduate My childhood was a good one. I grew up in a loving home with parents who took [...]


Sharron - 2014 Graduate My life before Mercy, though very controlled, was chaotic. I doubted God while living my spiritual life [...]


Sarah - 2014 Graduate I was rejected and abused throughout my life. Starting at a very young age, I used self-harm [...]
