2010 Lives Transformed2020-09-23T19:11:27-05:00

2010 Lives Transformed

On this page, you will find stories from people whose lives have been transformed through the power of Christ.

Graduate stories are written from information given to Mercy by the graduate herself and are posted on this website with the graduate’s full knowledge and permission.


Beth - 2010 Graduate Before I came to Mercy, I was depressed, and my life was going nowhere. I had given [...]


Sarah - 2010 Graduate I was born in India, but adopted as a child and brought to America. My home life [...]


"The Lord has given me hope and joy, and I’m excited to be alive! God has shown me that my value isn’t based on my performance."


At the age of four I remember looking in the mirror and thinking my legs and stomach looked fat, and by the time I was [...]
