I once heard there is no standing still in life. You are either moving forward, or you are moving backward, but you cannot just stay where you are.

Well, 2020 may have hit you with a lot of things that moved you backward, and if you think you can coast through the beginning of 2021 and “wait” it out – I would challenge that thought. In a time when everything seems to be on “pause,” taking time to renew your mind will make 2021 a year of moving forward!

So, what does it actually mean to renew your mind?

Renewing your mind means to do away with unhealthy thought patterns and to replace them with true, godly ones. Most importantly, it is impossible to do without God’s help.

Here are three reasons WHY you should renew your mind in 2021.

1) Renewing Your Mind Gets You Out of Your Head

“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.”

– Romans 12:2a, NLT

If there is anything I need less of in 2021, it is time with my own thoughts and opinions! Even when I read news articles, social posts, and headlines, I still have to think about if I agree with what is being said.

But when we renew our minds, we are reading scripture. It is not an opinion; it is the truth. Rather than having an opinion about its validity, I instead get to ask for God’s help to align my thoughts with the truth I am reading!

When we don’t renew our minds, we naturally lean on our own understanding because that’s all there is for us. When we do renew our minds, we can rely on God’s understanding and put our trust in Him (Proverbs 3:5-6).

2) Renewing Your Mind Changes You

One thing 2020 taught us is that the only thing we have control over is ourselves, but you may have felt more out of control than ever! Maybe you found there are some unhealthy lies and choices you make when left to your own devices.

As mentioned, renewing your mind means doing away with unhealthy thought patterns and replacing them with true, godly ones. You take notice of thoughts you have that don’t line up with scripture (truth), and when that thought comes up, choose not to keep thinking that thought. Instead, you

replace it with a true thought founded in scripture! You will find, and scripture states, that through this process, you will be transformed! (Romans 12:2)

Ask yourself about places you want to see change in your thought life, and ask the Lord to lead you to a scripture that addresses that area with God’s truth!

3) Renewing Your Mind Gives You Purpose + Direction

“Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”

– Romans 12:2b, NLT

God has a purpose and plan for your life, regardless of what it may feel like right now (Jeremiah 29:11)! As you take time to let God’s truth shape your thoughts and beliefs through renewing your mind, the result is learning God’s plan for your life!

The above verse then immediately reassures us that these plans are not bad, but they are “good and pleasing and perfect.”

So, as you can see, renewing your mind is a game-changer and has the power to move you forward in 2021! If you want to commit to Renewing Your Mind in 2021, let us help you out with our Keys to Freedom discipleship study. While you are waiting for your study to come in, start now with this 5-day YouVersion devotional written by Nancy Alcorn about getting God’s perspective on your life through renewing your mind.

Mercy Multiplied is a free-of-charge residential counseling program that helps young women ages 13-32 break free from life-controlling issues and situations. Apply today or learn more by visiting MercyMultiplied.com.

Want more? Listen to our MercyTalk Podcast episode “Just Keep Going”  for more practical tips. For daily inspiration, follow us @MercyMultiplied on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter