If you are looking for a discipleship study to do with a group of friends, with your church group, or individually, the Keys to Freedom study is for you. Whatever your age, whatever your life stage, male or female, new or established believers alike, there is something for everyone in this study.
If this is the first time you are hearing about this study, you may be asking yourself, “What is Keys to Freedom?”. This study is our way of taking the keys to freedom we’ve seen successfully change lives in our residential counseling program since 1983 and placing them into the hands of every person who wants to live free and stay free. We want to see more people able to navigate their lives from a place of freedom and wholeness, using the biblical principles of transformation made available by God through His Word.
Across eight weeks, with five daily readings each week, this study will take you on an interactive journey with God to explore:
- Committing and Connecting to Christ
- Renewing the Mind
- Healing Life’s Hurts
- Choosing to Forgive
- Breaking Generational Patterns
- Using Your Authority in Christ
- Maintaining Lifelong Freedom
But don’t just take our word for it. As our Keys to Freedom study continues to impact people throughout the United States and around the world, we are excited to share just a few of the testimonies we’ve received from people who are finding healing and freedom with this study.
“Doing Keys to Freedom as a group is invaluable not only for the support it provides in interpreting scriptures and sifting through personal experiences that apply to each step, but also the accountability that a group setting provides in keeping the individual on the path of fully committing to making the changes that heal.” – Erika, KTF Participant, Albuquerque, NM
“I am truly blessed to have been a part of this study. God absolutely works through this study in ways that we don’t even understand we need. This shook the foundations in a way that changed everything in my life, personally and professionally. I am so grateful for this study and will continue to tell everyone I meet along my journey about it. Everyone needs this study right now.” – Jeffrey, KTF Participant, Nashville, TN
“There is a great deal of value in doing the Keys to Freedom in a group setting because of the testimony that is shared from others in the group. My experience isn’t the same as someone else’s, but hearing and seeing the Lord move and work in mighty ways in someone else’s life is a huge encouragement to me. To know that the Lord has no favorites and is writing the best story possible in all of our lives.” – Sarah, KTF Participant, Albuquerque, NM
“There are just a couple of books that should be required reading for the entire world… First is the Bible and the second is Keys to Freedom!! Both are tremendously anointed and the depth of healing that awaits someone who is willing to embrace the truth found in each is overwhelmingly exciting! As a pastoral counsellor years ago, Keys to Freedom would have made counselling so much easier! The principles are so easily understood by all, no matter where they are on their individual path to healing. They gently and powerfully provide biblical truth covered by so much grace that participants are moved to share openly about their experiences (past, present, and dreams for the future). There is nothing more beautiful than watching the Lord lovingly dismantle and restore someone as they choose to embrace the beauty of their brokenness and God’s redemptive work in their lives. Keys to Freedom is the vehicle God has used in countless lives and everyone is indeed in need of it!!!” – Donna, KTF Leader
“The Keys to Freedom study met me right where I was and lifted me out of the pit I was in. Through this study, God revealed to me the lie of self-criticism that I was believing, what unforgiveness looks like, and I learned about the power of God in my life. This study led me to a deeper understanding of just how much God loves us!” Daniel, KTF Participant
We even received testimonies from a residential program in Mississippi who is utilizing this resource.
“The Keys to Freedom study had me dig deep inside and pull up roots of bitterness, anger, shame, and guilt that made me feel unworthy, insecure, and unloved. That caused pain from addiction, wanting to be numb from losing my son, family, soul, self-respect, reason to love, joy, love for others…. that void I was trying to fill. This study was a key tool in my recovery by giving every single hurt, pain, and abuse over to Jesus Christ and each class session we gently talked over each hurt with our leaders. Keys to Freedom is a beautiful experience about realizing God’s love for me. – Sonya, Resident at Leah’s House
“The Keys to Freedom study helped me in so many areas of my life. The one that sticks out the most is I had a childhood trauma that was affecting me today. I did not realize that my frustration with myself and the person in my life stemmed from that. I forgave the person and myself, and I have not been angry or frustrated since. I thank God for healing in this area in my life!” – Paula, Resident at Leah’s House
Now is a great time to purchase this study! We recently updated the stories, reflection questions, graphics, and changed the cover. We have also expanded our Leader Guide and resources. For more information or to purchase your copy visit https://mercymultiplied.com/keys-to-freedom-study/