Unplanned Pregnancy
The Numbers

45% of all U.S. pregnancies in 2018 were unplanned

1 in 5 births by 15-19 year olds are to young women who have already had one or more births

In 2020, a total of 158,043 babies were born to women ages 15-19 years old
Are You Concerned You May be Pregnant?
The only way to confirm if you are pregnant is through a pregnancy test. You can get tested by your health care provider or at a local health clinic, or you can buy a home pregnancy test.
Expectant Mothers
You do not have to face this situation alone. Our program allows you the necessary time to decide if you want to parent your baby or place your baby for adoption.
At Mercy, we work with each expectant mother to help her reach the best decision for her situation. Our staff walk each expectant mother through a Basic Decision Making process exploring both options of parenting or placing for adoption. The decision is up to the expectant mother. Our staff is dedicated to providing as many resources as possible to help each young woman make a decision that she can be at peace about for many years to come.
To learn more about our pregnancy services, click here
Frequently Asked Questions
Need Help?
If you or someone you know is facing an unplanned pregnancy, Mercy Multiplied can help. Our residential program helps young women ages 13-32 and is free-of-charge. You can learn more about our residential program here here.