

2022-10-03T13:52:25-05:00Jul 5, 2020|2020, Lives Transformed|

"At Mercy, I was able to see God in a whole new light and see Him as the loving Father He is. I was able to renew my mind and see myself in a new light."

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2020-09-22T13:49:13-05:00Jun 23, 2020|2020, Lives Transformed|

"While being at Mercy, I have learned how to renew my mind with truth statements. I have learned how a woman of God is supposed to look."

Comments Off on Tiffany


2022-10-03T13:59:33-05:00Jun 15, 2020|2020, Lives Transformed|

"God spoke to me constantly that I have nothing to fear, but God Himself. Mercy helped me reach true restoration in my faith, uproot all the lies Satan tried to demolish me with, and taught me how to speak truth and life over myself."

Comments Off on Victoria


2022-10-03T14:00:15-05:00May 28, 2020|2020, Lives Transformed|

"Throughout my time at Mercy, God continued to show me time and time again that His love was far greater than any human love could ever be. I learned forgiveness is key to my freedom."

Comments Off on Sarah


2020-09-22T13:49:15-05:00May 24, 2020|2020, Lives Transformed|

"I learned to trust in God’s protection, and He has become a safe place for me. Also, God healed my relationship with food and my body image."

Comments Off on Brittney


2022-10-03T14:01:10-05:00May 19, 2020|2020, Lives Transformed|

"When I walked through the doors of Mercy, I was greeted with so much love from the staff and residents. I knew this was where God wanted me."

Comments Off on Autumn


2022-10-03T14:03:20-05:00May 7, 2020|2020, Lives Transformed|

"I began to seek God and release my past to Him. He showed me how much I can trust him and how much He loves me."

Comments Off on Ashley


2022-10-03T14:04:15-05:00May 6, 2020|2020, Lives Transformed|

"The chains of shame, guilt, and condemnation that had held me captive for years broke. Without the chains, I began to see myself as a daughter of God and grow in an intimate relationship with my heavenly Father."

Comments Off on Danielle


2022-10-03T14:07:54-05:00Apr 30, 2020|2020, Lives Transformed|

"While at Mercy, I felt God. I felt His presence, and I experienced healing. God showed me who He is and who I am."

Comments Off on Mikayla


2022-10-03T14:08:45-05:00Apr 30, 2020|2020, Lives Transformed|

"God started breaking the cycles of addiction in me and the miracle happened in the breaking. I am so grateful to have a Savior and Lord who meets me in my brokenness."

Comments Off on Kennedy


2022-10-03T14:09:18-05:00Apr 30, 2020|2020, Lives Transformed|

"I don't have to have it all together, I just have to know the one who put it all together. He does not want perfection out of me, He just simply wants me because I was made perfect in Him."

Comments Off on Ivy


2022-10-06T14:45:51-05:00Sep 17, 2019|2019, Lives Transformed|

"God completely saved my life. He has given me back joy in my life and a desire to live. He has shown me who I truly am in Christ."

Comments Off on Kayla