Welcome to MercyTalk! We’re continuing our series, Thriving in Your Relationship with God, by further exploring the mandate to pray without ceasing.

Often in our prayer lives, we strive to make lists, goals, and benchmarks in order to earn more of God’s love. In the process, we can find ourselves becoming cyclical. However, the idea of working to earn God’s love and grace is not only bad theology but flat out wrong. Try as we might, there is nothing we can ever do to earn God’s love and grace. That’s what makes it grace. This can be especially hard to accept for those who have come from a more legalistic church background. Learning to rest in His grace and being certain of His pleasure in us as His children is a lifelong journey of trusting God’s word over our personal experiences with others. As we discover what it means to thrive in our relationship with God, we learn that prayer is the lifeline we’ve been yearning for—not to check off a box, but to know Jesus more deeply.

Also in today’s episode:

  • Resting in God’s pleasure over us
  • Letting go of legalistic habits and embracing God’s grace
  • Hearing the voice of the Shepherd