10 Scriptures for When You’re Overwhelmed
When life gets hard, it’s easy to push God away. We feel so overwhelmed, and faith can feel like just another responsibility to keep up with. It feels like too much work to spend time [...]
Making Space for Rest
Have you ever been in such a busy season that it’s hard to even enjoy what you’re a part of? Even the most life-giving activities need to be balanced by a time of rest. Real [...]
The Goodness of God
It's so easy for me to proclaim the goodness of God and shout praises of thankfulness when my life is going smoothly, and my plans seem to be falling into place. It's a bit of a different [...]
A Case for Memorizing Scripture
The Bible is long, and sometimes it’s hard to find what we need or even understand what we’re reading. People often underestimate the power of memorizing Scripture. At Mercy, we believe that transformation comes from [...]
Accepting God’s Unconditional Love for You
God’s love is unconditional. It’s a central part of our Christian faith, and the reason behind our hope in the Gospel message. But so often we can easily forget that. We can know in our [...]
How to Practically Approach Your Prayer Life
Whether you are a brand-new Christian or have been following Jesus for years, we all could use some encouragement in our prayer lives. Prayer is an essential part of a relationship with Jesus. And it [...]