My life before Mercy felt hopeless. I was addicted to drugs and alcohol and sought out unhealthy relationships. I felt depressed like something was wired wrong inside of me. I was out of control and had no peace or security. I did not know who I was outside of being intoxicated. I wanted to be sober and live for God but found it impossible to stop my toxic habits. I went to a secular treatment center looking for help, but instead I was labeled and offered no hope for ever being free from my addictions. But then I found out about Mercy.

When I arrived, I could immediately sense the presence of God in the Mercy home. I finally realized that I had to choose God over my addiction, and I surrendered my will into His hands. God provided me with the strength to overcome my temptations by choosing to obey and trust Him. God has revealed to me my true identity: pure, accepted, and chosen daughter. I don’t have to earn my way to being good enough for God. Jesus reconciled me to God, and God delights in me as His daughter.

After graduation, I will be moving to attend a church I am passionate about while studying Pastoral Leadership. I would love to one day co-pastor a church and be active in church planting.

To those who donate to Mercy, I cannot thank you enough. It means so much knowing that this program is not interested in taking residents’ money, and we can trust that the program has pure motives for our healing. Your support is tangible evidence that God will always provide for us, and He will provide us with the best care. I have sense of dignity knowing that those who donate have enough faith in me to invest in my life and healing. Thank you for supporting me!