
Three Things I’m Learning About Disappointment

2019-07-18T10:27:07-05:00Oct 30, 2016|Overcoming Hardships|

Taking on disappointment is hard and holy work. It’s choosing long-term freedom over momentary wallowing. It’s choosing the unseen promises of God over the weight and throbbing of current circumstance. Hope is trying work, and sometimes we’ll grow weary. Don’t give up.

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ABC’s of Freedom

2019-07-18T10:27:08-05:00Oct 18, 2016|Overcoming Hardships|

We love seeing our graduates grab ahold of the tools they learn at Mercy and apply them to their daily life as they walk out the process of freedom. The below truths are applicable today to all of us on a spiritual journey! Take some time to return to childlike faith and explore the ABCs! A special thanks to 2015 Graduate, Joanna!

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Treatment vs. Transformation – A Mercy Graduate’s Journey

2019-07-18T10:27:10-05:00Sep 15, 2016|Overcoming Hardships|

Today I use the tools to freedom in Christ daily. I read my Bible and speak truth over myself. I dive into teachings and fellowship with other believers. I continue to choose to forgive and praise my savior! Even though it is not easy, I know for a fact that I am brand new and Jesus has transformed my life! I am not who I used to be! I do not need “treatment,” I need Jesus as Lord of my life in every single area. Mercy’s declaration of lives transformed is absolutely honest and true.

Avoiding Secrecy

2019-07-18T10:27:10-05:00Sep 2, 2016|Overcoming Hardships|

We are enticed daily to keep our secrets safe by never telling anyone how we really feel: that we are hurting deep down inside, that someone did something bad to us, that if we tell, no one will love us.

Choosing Freedom

2019-07-18T10:27:10-05:00Aug 26, 2016|Overcoming Hardships|

Each day we have a choice. We can choose to walk towards the goal and the prize, set before us by Christ Jesus, or we can choose to dwell on the past, sit in our pain, and allow the hurts of our life to overtake us. Here at Mercy Multiplied we are choosing freedom.
