
The Goodness of God

2023-07-31T13:26:59-05:00Aug 15, 2023|Miscellaneous|

It's so easy for me to proclaim the goodness of God and shout praises of thankfulness when my life is going smoothly, and my plans seem to [...]

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A Case for Memorizing Scripture

2023-07-31T13:25:07-05:00Aug 1, 2023|Miscellaneous|

The Bible is long, and sometimes it’s hard to find what we need or even understand what we’re reading. People often underestimate the power of [...]

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Keeping Faith Alive

2023-06-20T09:26:58-05:00Jun 6, 2023|Miscellaneous|

One of my favorite things is to wake up earlier than the rest of my house to the smell of coffee and the sun rising. [...]

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Caring for our Bodies

2023-03-28T08:48:18-05:00Mar 28, 2023|Miscellaneous|

How do you feel about your body today? That’s an uncomfortable question, I know.  As Christians, why do we struggle so much with the bodies [...]

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Processing our Emotions with Jesus

2023-02-06T15:49:58-06:00Feb 7, 2023|Miscellaneous|

You have likely been told, “Don’t trust your emotions.” Or “Your emotions will lie to you.” I couldn’t disagree more. I understand what people mean [...]

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You Give Away What You Carry

2023-01-09T10:37:34-06:00Jan 10, 2023|Miscellaneous|

When you fill a sponge with water and squeeze it, what comes out? Water.   When you fill a sponge with apple juice and squeeze it, [...]

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The Power of Process

2023-01-10T16:49:08-06:00Dec 13, 2022|Miscellaneous|

I recently traveled from my home in Nashville, Tennessee, to Springfield, Missouri, for a conference. To get there, I took an Uber to the Nashville [...]

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