
Keys to Freedom success stories come from people from all walks of life who have been radically changed by Keys to Freedom, a group study written by Mercy Multiplied.

People across the country and around the world are experiencing transformation through Jesus Christ using this interactive, eight-part study that explores hearing God’s voice, connecting with Christ, healing life’s hurts, breaking generational patterns, and so much more.

The following Keys to Freedom success stories offer hope for those who feel trapped by the circumstances of life.


2020-09-21T14:49:35-05:00Mar 14, 2020|Keys to Freedom|

I was having night terrors a few times a week, daily life was plagued with the effects of PTSD, and I was unable to go anywhere away from home without a panic attack, with the exception of church.

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2020-09-21T14:49:35-05:00Feb 14, 2020|Keys to Freedom|

Through this study and the mentors God has put in my life, I realized that I have let Satan tell me who I am, and he is a LIAR!

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2020-09-21T14:49:35-05:00May 6, 2019|Keys to Freedom|

Jesus healed Jane from years of pain and suffering. Jane continues to lead other hurting Ugandan women through Keys to Freedom.

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