“Throughout much of my life, I have dealt with a sense of overwhelming bitterness and anger. Now, as a married man with a young son, I have a deep desire to be emotionally stable for my family. However, especially in times of stress and disappointment, it feels almost impossible to regulate my emotions. When I most want to be a comfort to my family, I, instead, give in to an overwhelming feeling of anger. As you can imagine, my anger and bitterness has been destructive to my family and a source of great shame for me. I was given the Keys to Freedom study about a year ago. Through reading Keys to Freedom, I realized that my anger had a root cause, and if I let God remove the root, then I would have victory over my emotions. After praying through the principles, I realized the root cause of my bitterness and anger was a root of unforgiveness. I realized I needed to forgive my parents for some trauma from my past. Working through the sections was not easy, but after purposefully forgiving my parents, there was a noticeable change in my behavior. I felt more at peace with myself. I no longer felt out of control. More importantly, I have seen a change in my family. My relationship with my son has changed. He is at ease around me, and I am finally proud of myself.”