Before my time at Mercy, I walked in destructive cycles my whole life trying to prove I was good enough. At a young age, I experienced physical and sexual abuse which later led to other issues of eating disorders and self-harm to try and control the emotional pain I was feeling.

I decided to apply to Mercy because I knew I would continue to walk in destructive cycles that controlled my life if I did not change. I did not want to live like that anymore.

But while I was at Mercy, God literally restored my life and my dreams! He healed parts of my life that I never thought could be healed. I have learned my value and now know that I am enough because God chose me, and He would choose me again and again—just because He loves me.

Now that I am home, I desire to walk in the plans that God has for me and be obedient to Jesus. I plan to be involved in my church, push myself to join a small group, and meet people my age. I look forward to the restored dream of having a family of my own one day.

Words cannot adequately express the gratitude I feel for each person that gives to Mercy Multiplied. Mercy donors, thank you for helping me see my worth and for making it possible to have hope for the future. I could not have done it without you!