Forgiving God
I can only imagine how many sermons you’ve probably heard on the topic of forgiveness - sermons about how God has forgiven us and how important it is that [...]
I can only imagine how many sermons you’ve probably heard on the topic of forgiveness - sermons about how God has forgiven us and how important it is that [...]
I have some news for you, friend. And this news is either going to be freeing or perhaps a little scary. Maybe both. But here [...]
“I completely understand what you’re going through.” Let's be honest. We’ve all probably heard this statement or said it to someone before. And it’s always [...]
The teaching "Do You Have Permission?" is from our Outreach Services. If you are interested in learning more about how to help others through difficult [...]
At Mercy Multiplied’s MPower Workshops, we equip men and women to effectively love and minister to people who are hurting and struggling. We cover topics [...]
I was recently seeking the Lord for some direction and clarity on a fairly significant life decision I had to make. As my introverted self [...]
I was always one of those kids who wanted to please my parents (or really anyone in an authority position). The greatest punishment my mom [...]
We all have problems. We all have pain. There are things in all of our lives that can block us from the life we were [...]