Before coming to Mercy, I was full of anxiety, overwhelmed with emotions and negative thought patterns. I felt hopelessness and I self-isolated.
I was very familiar with Mercy because my local church has supported the home in St. Louis for years and I heard Nancy speak at one of our women’s events. I applied because I tried every other way to get better without success. I was exhausted, depressed, and full of anxiety when I first arrived.
While at Mercy, one specific turning point happened for me while we were attending the DFL Conference at James River Church. God confirmed to me during one of the services that I was doing the right thing by being at Mercy and He would bless my obedience if I continued to trust Him during this journey.
God has not only revealed Himself to me as my loving Father, but His word has broken many of the lies I’ve believed for a long time. Through the use of truth cards and journaling, I now know and firmly believe in how God sees me. I’ve also learned through counseling and Keys to Freedom how to recognize and break many of the negative generational patterns in my life. I also feel like I’ve become a better communicator when it comes to my thoughts and feelings while being here at Mercy. I’ve had a hard time being vulnerable and open with people, especially my husband, due to all the shame and guilt I struggle with. I am now confident in expressing myself and can’t wait to get home and continue the work.
After graduation, I plan on being a stay-at-home Mom for the next six months to a year and just enjoy this next season of being healthy. During that time, I plan on praying and seeking God’s guidance for the next step.
To anyone considering applying, it is the greatest thing you could ever do. The days will seem long. Some of them will even seem impossible. You’ll get mad. You’ll cry. You’ll want to quit. But if you truly want to be healthy and find freedom, then dig down deep and do the work. Trust God. Trust the staff and your counselor. God has so much healing and wonderful things in store for you, but you have to work hard and meet Him halfway. This next season of your life has the potential to be the catalyst for all the great things that God has in store for you.
To the donors, thank you from not only me but from my family for being faithful and sowing into this life-changing ministry. I pray that God blesses you above and beyond the gift you have made!