The Power of Habits in Shaping Our Digital Lives

Mar 24, 2025|Comments Off on The Power of Habits in Shaping Our Digital Lives

There is no escaping technology in today’s world. It is everywhere, shaping the way we live, work, and interact. While digital devices offer incredible convenience and connection, they also have a way of creeping into [...]

Do You Ever Feel Angry at God?

Mar 10, 2025|Comments Off on Do You Ever Feel Angry at God?

Life can be very unfair.  An illness or an accident can take the life of someone we love. We might lose a job or a home. Financial investments can fail. So can relationships. When bad things happen, [...]

Battling the Winter Blues 

Feb 19, 2025|Comments Off on Battling the Winter Blues 

For many of us, the change of seasons can have a sizable effect on our mood. The name for this condition is Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD. Some people use special lights that mimic sunlight [...]

Loving Hurting People Well

Feb 3, 2025|Comments Off on Loving Hurting People Well

With Valentine’s Day around the corner, love is on our minds! And while this holiday usually emphasizes romantic love, it’s also a perfect time to reflect on how we can embody Christ's love to [...]

It’s About Time

Jan 14, 2025|Comments Off on It’s About Time

There are only twenty-four hours in a day. That’s all we get, and it’s God’s design. If we are to stay physically healthy, a certain amount of time is required for the basics, like sleeping [...]

Habits > Resolutions

Dec 28, 2024|Comments Off on Habits > Resolutions

The start of a new year often brings the pressure to set big resolutions—and, let’s be honest, the overwhelming feeling that we likely will not stick to them. It's funny that so many of [...]