Mercy Multiplied is a licensed child-placing agency with the state of Tennesese.

When a Resident chooses to place her child for adoption, she will work with Mercy’s Adoption Staff in creating her adoption plan!

Birth Mother Services

  • A safe and supportive residential home

  • Accessibility to ongoing support from staff and counselors

  • Weekly individual and group counseling

  • Transportation to prenatal care visits

  • Childbirth classes

  • Adoption counseling

  • Adoption planning and legal services

  • Choose and meet an adoptive family

  • Hospital planning

  • Post-placement counseling

Adoption Process

Adoption Counseling

Participate in weekly individual adoption counseling to discuss emotions relates to making an adoption plan.

Adoption Planning

Participate in weekly meetings with Adoption Staff to plan and prepare for the practical areas of making an adoption plan like finding an Adoptive Family and reviewing paperwork.