How do we find hope in the face of injustice?

“… He will bring justice to all who have been wronged. He will not falter or lose heart until justice prevails throughout the earth. Even distant lands beyond the sea will wait for his instruction.” Isaiah 42:3-5 NLT

It doesn’t take very long to listen to the news and know that this world is a messed-up place. Even magazines in the grocery store line are a reminder that people have been hurt, wronged, and are crying out to be heard. It’s hard to swallow the reality that some people may never get the answers they so desperately seek on this side of heaven. It’s hard to talk about injustice and innocent people left in the wake of its aftermath. I cannot pretend to understand why some hear the gavel ring in their favor and at the same time, others hear nothing at all. One can lose a lot of sleep trying to come up with the answers on their own (believe me, I’ve tried).

You see, the enemy would love nothing more than for us to assume that God is not only unmoved by our pain in the world but that He is the author of it. That there is no hope in the face of injustice. Isn’t this what happened in the garden…the questioning of God’s intentions and heart towards us? That He secretly desires to harm us rather than love us? Yes…I’ve found these same questions waiting for me in the places where I’ve struggled. They pretend to offer some sense of comfort, but the real truth is, the only peace I’ve truly found, is in the arms of the Father. The one who loved me so much, He would send His only son to take the punishment for my sins, secure my freedom, and put to death the power of death, shame, and injustice. While this world is full of troubles and unanswered pain, Jesus says to take heart, He has overcome the world (John 16:33). The Bible also says that one day, He will bring true justice. The kind that our system cannot fully provide for those who have been wronged or deprived of a fair ruling.

If you find yourself searching for hope today, remember that He has not forgotten your situation. He loves you more than you know. Do not lose heart, He is returning and will one day make all wrong things right.