In Q4 of 2018, an independent firm conducted a survey of former Mercy residents, similar in scope to the former resident surveys conducted in 2008 and 2013, to determine how successfully Mercy’s residential homes are fulfilling our mission.

former residents responded
0 out of 10
said their hope was restored
recommend Mercy Multiplied

Survey Results

  • While 78% indicated that they were “poorly adjusted” or “not at all adjusted” to life before coming to Mercy, 80% indicated they were “well adjusted to life” after their time in the program. These measures are similar to the previous years’ results. This significant improvement in life adjustments, along with the average time out of the program, suggests a transformation of lives that is both robust and long-lasting.
  • 84% indicated that they have shared their story of life transformation with others.
  • Two thirds rated the usefulness of tools learned at Mercy to be “Extremely Effective” or “Very Effective”. This measure is unchanged from previous years.
  • Average age of entry to Mercy is 21-22 years old. (This statistic represents all Mercy former residents, not just respondents.)
  • Furthermore, these results were independent of the home location in which a young woman resided during her time at Mercy, which suggests that the effects of the program are transferable to multiple locations.
  • 4 out of 10 of all Mercy residents have been in previous treatment centers or programs without lasting results. (Note: Often financial resources run out before they can finish the program, insurance benefits run out, or the young women lack access to the right programs for their issues.)
  • More than half of the former residents reported that their family and/or friends have experienced their own personal life transformation or restored hope as a result of their time at Mercy. This is a strong and encouraging indicator that Mercy is being multiplied beyond the doors of our homes.

Former Residents’ Comments

Approximately 33% of respondents had been out of the Mercy program eight or more years.

Survey respondents’ reasons for leaving Mercy: 84% graduated from the program; 7% left of their own accord for non-medical reasons; 1% left for medical reasons; 6% left because they were asked to leave; 2% left for other reasons.

Other Years