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Winter – 2014 Graduate

WinterI grew up in a pastor’s family that put a lot of emphasis on outward appearance and performance, and eventually my parents separated. This led to my struggle with an eating disorder and depression.

I found out about Mercy through my sister. I decided to apply because my eating disorder was out of control, and I was majorly depressed. I hated myself and felt hopeless about life.

At Mercy, a turning point for me came when I finally addressed my control issues. God showed me that life will be out of control when I don’t surrender to Him. He is in complete control, and I can trust Him with my life. He is for me and not against me. He has provided me with so many opportunities and answered prayers.

After graduation, I plan to go back to school and continue playing basketball. I also want to get involved in a local youth or college ministry.

To all of Mercy’s donors, thank you so very much for how you are blessing so many lives. Without Mercy, I don’t know where I would be today. I have been transformed by the power of God. The love and provision that you have generously shown through your giving blesses so many lives. Thank you so much for changing my life. God bless you!