I grew up on a farm, in a loving Christian home. I lived my childhood outdoors riding horses, playing in creeks, and catching tadpoles. Even while I was surrounded by good role models and a strong support system, the enemy attacked me from a young age. I had several debilitating health issues that left doctors grasping for answers. Daily activities were a physical battle for me and stripped away my strength. Even though I struggled to eat, walk, stand, sit, lift, and at times even breathe, I continued to hear from doctors “I don’t know what’s wrong with you.” Over time, my willpower to fight diminished while my suffering increased. I felt extremely alone and helpless. Unfaithful boyfriends and unhealthy friendships communicated to me that my problems were too much as they continued to abandon and reject me. When my grandmother—my best friend—died, my depression grew worse, and I began to just “press through” life like a robot. In my final semester of college I faced further unknown medical problems which brought deep fear and anxiety. I was caught up in perfectionism and deception and consumed by a victim mindset. I felt like I was living a double life and did not know who I was. When suicide became an option in my mind, the Lord intervened and introduced me to Mercy.

I found out about Mercy through a graduate. The program sounded like a dream, but something that did not seem a reasonable dream for me at the time. But, I stepped out in faith, went against my fear, and applied even when I did not know how everything was going to work out.

I had several turning points while at Mercy. Every day there was a new discovery. Some of my favorite moments were meeting Francesca Battestelli at the Winter Jam concert, class times, quiet times, and WORSHIP!

While at Mercy I found myself. God revealed the real me when I found my identity in Him. He completely transformed my mind. He walked with me through conquering my fears and anxiety.

After graduating from Mercy I will be finishing school in the fall. I hope to graduate with a Bachelors of Graphic Design and Photography. I plan to live in freedom and embrace being healed from a chronic disease. I want to wake up every day with a smile on my face NO MATTER WHAT, wear my armor, and trust God with my life. He brought me to Mercy for a reason. Now I am going to live and give back to whatever God wants and calls me to do.

I want to say thank you to all the Mercy supporters. By your obedience, my life has been saved. I would not be here if it weren’t for Mercy. I surrendered my life to Jesus, and He has transformed me, renewed my mind, restored my hope, and given me unending joy and such a peace. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am forever grateful for you and your obedience. You will forever be in my prayers, and I ask God to bless you back 100 times over!