What Others Say
Kay Robertson
Co-Star of Duck Dynasty
“At the lowest point in my life when I didn’t even want to live because my marriage and family were a mess, all I could do was to cry out to God and ask Him for help to find some peace and hope. I soon learned that God was there to help me through the Holy Spirit and Jesus inside me. I began to understand that they would be the anchor that would never leave me, even though the rest of the world would still be a mess. These same principles have been taught at Mercy for over 30 years to broken young women. My good friend, Nancy Alcorn, is the founder and president of Mercy. I have seen firsthand young women completely transformed by the work of Mercy, and I believe in what they are doing!”
Dave Ramsey
Money Management Expert & Radio Personality
“As a father of two girls, I certainly know what girls face today. So many do not receive the right kind of love from their families and make bad choices without realizing it. The guilt and shame from these devastating choices often lead to serious struggles with self-destructive behaviors. I have watched Nancy Alcorn and Mercy bring hope and healing to struggling young women for many years—young women who were completely without hope. Mercy offers great inspiration, hope, and a way to true healing for all who want to be free.”
John C. Maxwell
New York Times Best-Selling Author & Speaker
“For years I’ve said that leadership isn’t about titles, positions or flowcharts—that it’s about one life influencing another. Nancy Alcorn’s leadership is a stellar example of this definition, and her work transforming broken young women through the organization she founded, Mercy, is truly remarkable! Mercy’s team of excellent staff reach young women right where they are and influence them to reach their potential by helping them heal their brokenness and see a vision for a future. This is the kind of leadership that inspires us all!”
CeCe Winans
Grammy Award Winning Artist
“With the dysfunction of families, children having babies, rampant sexual abuse, and the lack of morality, it is difficult to see any hope for young women to have self-esteem and grow in wholeness. Mercy is not afraid to deal with the ugly, tough stuff—sexual abuse, cutting, starvation. Nancy and her Mercy team get to the core issues. If you have a daughter, work with girls, or are a young woman struggling with these issues … you want to hear what Nancy has to say. It is sure to change your life.”

Joel Osteen
Senior Pastor of Lakewood Church, Houston, TX
“Our Family has had the honor and privilege of knowing Nancy Alcorn for more than twenty years. It is our belief that there is nothing closer to the heart of God than to help and heal the brokenhearted. This is the driving force behind the work of Mercy Multiplied and Nancy Alcorn, and we are proud to be connected with this life-changing organization.”

Matthew West
Dove Award Winning, Grammy Nominated Singer/Songwriter
“When you meet people who are passionate, driven, and living their life with a purpose like Nancy Alcorn, you want to get behind them. I’ve seen the results of the lives changed because of the awesome ministry that is literally diving into the most wounded parts of these young women’s lives and saying, ‘that’s not who you are’, the best is yet to come.”

Danny Gokey
Grammy Nominated Artist
“I support Mercy Multiplied because it is a strong, biblically based program that doesn’t take any government funding and accepts young women from all 50 states free-of-charge. I love how Mercy offers young women hope and is a place where their lives are restored and transformed.”

Jeff Fisher
Former Tennessee Titans and St Louis/LA Rams Head Coach
“I first started supporting Mercy Multiplied when I was head coach of the Tennessee Titans. The last several years have provided me with the awesome opportunity to know Nancy Alcorn personally and be involved with Mercy. I have seen firsthand how the lives of young women forever change through the Mercy program.”

Pastors Sarah Jakes-Roberts & Toure Roberts
Co-Pastors, One Church LA
“Hebrews chapter 11 is one of my favorite chapters in the Bible. That part of scripture is called ‘The Heroes of Faith.’ In it you’ll hear about countless people who trusted in God, and God did significant things through their lives. Sarah and I consider Nancy Alcorn not only a friend, but also a present- day hero of faith. We’ve personally spent time with Nancy at Mercy Multiplied, and we can tell you Mercy is one of the most innovative ministries for the transformation of young women! It has to be attributed to God, the things that Mercy Multiplied, under the direction of Nancy and her staff, are able to do! It is with great honor and great joy that Sarah and I and One Church LA support Mercy Multiplied!”

Natalie Grant
Dove Award Winning & Grammy Nominated Artist
“Mercy Multiplied is a biblically- based, Christ-centered program that delivers real results. As a young woman in my early twenties, I struggled with an eating disorder and I can tell you how important it is to not only get treatment and help, but to make sure that it is coming from a Christ-centered perspective. That’s what Mercy has been doing for years and that’s why they have thousands of girls who have found true freedom that lasts a lifetime and that is a cause worth supporting.”

Pastors John & Debbie Lindell
Lead Pastors at James River Assembly
“We are blessed to know Nancy Alcorn. Her heart and passion for hurting girls and unwavering belief that God can redeem and transform any life has not only affected the lives of thousands of girls for eternity, it has also impacted countless leaders and churches around the world. We have seen firsthand the fruit of the Mercy program in the lives of girls who entered the program in bondage and without hope and graduated completely changed, with a brand new understanding of who they are in Christ Jesus!”