Last Thursday, our Nashville residents left bright and early with the volunteers and staff from In His Wakes, for a fun day on the water at Scott and Teri Hendricks’ home. Founded in 2003 by former slalom world record holder Kristi Overton Johnson, In His Wakes is a nonprofit ministry that uniquely uses water sports to share Christ’s love powerfully and interactively. Through In His Wakes and their multiple programs, Johnson’s goal is to combine her love for water sports and her passion for seeing young people learn about the love of Christ.  

 Our residents participated in the “A Day to Remember” program that provides a fun-filled day on the water and an opportunity to better understand the truth that their lives have purpose. Volunteers and staff from In His Wakes come together by donating their boats and water sports equipment to allow the residents to tube, water ski, and wakeboard. 

Our residents had such a great time on the water and many of them overcame nerves and fears! Here is what a few of them had to say: 

“I was so impacted by the willingness of all the staff. They cheered me on during every event and seemed really happy to volunteer. It was most definitely a day to remember, and I am so thankful for all of it!” – Nashville Resident

“There was so much I enjoyed about In His Wakes! The main thing was being able to get out of the house and do something different with the other girls. I really enjoyed stepping out of my comfort zone and not being afraid or uncomfortable the entire time. It was freeing to try new things and face challenges with confidence. This is something I am going to continue doing after leaving Mercy and embrace life with an open heart!” – Nashville Resident

“When the leader spoke about some people being afraid, I got encouraged to get off the dock. I learned how to be brave and I learned not to fear something I have never done. I knew God was by my side.” -Nashville Resident

“What impacted me the most is knowing that I can do it. That truly spoke to me because I was afraid at the beginning that I could not do it, but little did I know I could if I put my mind to it and tried. Another thing that impacted me was how truly kind the people were. I feel so refreshed and ready to take on the world knowing that I have God on my side.” – Nashville Resident

We are so thankful to everyone at In His Wakes and all of the volunteers who made our residents’ day on the water so special and memorable. A special thank you to Scott and Teri Hendricks’ for hosting this special day and blessing our residents for so many years through this event! To learn more about In His Wakes, you can visit their website here