Recently, we were blessed to host Lisa Binion and Kerrie Oles at our Nashville residential home! Joined by Mercy Founder and President Nancy Alcorn, Lisa and Kerrie both delivered powerful messages of encouragement to our Nashville residents and staff during a two-day conference.  

Kerrie Oles, author, speaker, and founder of Unlocked Ministries was the first speaker of the conference. She shared her personal testimony with our residents and spent time praying over each and every one of them individually. She also generously gave them copies of her book Unlock Now and matching bracelets with words of encouragement on them. 

Lisa Binion, a longtime Christian singer and songwriter and current Daystar Singer, shared her testimony with both our residents and corporate staff on the second day of the conference. We are so thankful for her authenticity and for her willingness to share her story with our Mercy staff and residents. Her message and testimony resonated with so many of our residents and many experienced breakthroughs as a result of Lisa’s openness with her own story and encouragement over their lives. 

Here is what a few of our residents had to say about the two-day event: 

“What impacted me the most from this conference was when Lisa said that somebody told her, ‘Once an addict always an addict.’ She has been saved from drugs and this really spoke to me because I have been through something similar. I now realize that through God I can be healed and whole and what I was told does not have to be true.” – Nashville Mercy Resident

“I have absolutely enjoyed these past two days!  It gives me hope that my heart can be healed and that my feelings are valid too.” – Nashville Mercy Resident

“The thing that really resonated with me was hearing, ‘disappointments can happen in a moment, but should never dictate your life.’ There are times when I feel as though all my disappointments and all my bad choices will ruin my life or somehow mess up the good things that will be in my future. It’s encouraging to know that is far from the truth.” – Nashville Mercy Resident

“I was able to really relate to the messages. Both speakers definitely showed us the light in the midst of the darkness.” – Nashville Mercy Resident

From the powerful times of worship to the inspiring testimonies, Mercy’s time with Kerri and Lisa was a blessing to both residents and staff! We are so thankful that they chose to spend part of their week with us and for the impact they made on the lives of our residents.  

To learn more about Kerrie Oles and Unlocked Ministries, click here, and to learn more about Lisa Binion, click here.