One of the founding principles God gave Nancy Alcorn when she founded Mercy in 1983 is that she was to tithe 10% of what Mercy receives to other ministries. Over the years, we have seen blessings multiplied back to us in amazing ways as we honor God and share what He provides.

Another way we steward what God has entrusted to us is by sharing not only what God has provided financially, but also what we have learned. Mercy was founded as a Residential Program, and thousands of lives have been transformed as young women experience Christ’s healing power in our programs. As God led, we learned how to operate a residential ministry with excellence and walk alongside individuals who are struggling in ways that lead to true life transformation. As Mercy expanded, people all over the country began to contact us for help in starting their own ministries, so we developed a resource called “Guidelines for Establishing a Christian Residential Program” to share our approach and meet this need.

When Mercy’s Outreach Services were launched in 2015, our desire was to share what we have learned over decades of ministry with churches. We wanted to see the Body of Christ become more equipped to help hurting and struggling people. That’s why the MPower workshop was developed. And when our Keys to Freedom discipleship study was released in 2017, churches that used the study in small groups saw more and more people learn to hear from God for themselves, deal with past hurts, renew their minds, choose forgiveness, break generational patterns, discover their authority in Christ, and walk in new levels of healing and freedom.

But God is using these resources to help people in ways we did not fully anticipate. Not only are churches being equipped, but now other Christian ministries and nonprofits that work with people who are hurting are using Mercy resources in ways that multiply hope and healing far beyond Mercy’s programs!

Shepherd’s Gate is a ministry in Livermore, CA that helps women and children escape homelessness, addiction, and abuse. They have been using Keys to Freedom at Shepherd’s Gate since 2019. Alicia Hammond is the Campus Director for this ministry. “The Keys to Freedom program is truly a great fit for us as it offers essential Christian applications for both new and current believers,” Alicia says. “It’s a core class in our program, and completion is required before graduation. I appreciate Mercy Multiplied providing the free online training. It’s incredibly helpful for us.” We are so glad to be part of the good work happening at Shepherd’s Gate!

At Ann’s New Life Pregnancy Center in Pell City, Alabama, Keys to Freedom has helped the staff take a highly relational ministry “to the next level… giving our clients the opportunity to experience healing and freedom.”  That’s what Misty Dorough, the Assistant Director and Medical Coordinator shared with us. “Keys to Freedom has truly revolutionized how we approach our clients,” she says. Staff leaders at Ann’s New Life Pregnancy Center were introduced to Keys to Freedom when they came to an MPower training in Nashville. Recently Gabby Martin, Executive Director at the Center, wrote to us and said, “We have been using the [Keys to Freedom] curriculum first with our volunteers and now with our clients and have seen so much tremendous breakthrough and FREEDOM. It has been so beautiful to watch. THANK YOU!!!”

Sophie Navarette, the Program Manager at Glory House in Miami Florida, describes Mercy resources as a gift from God. “We were praying specifically for inner healing curriculum and this kind of fell in our laps,” she said. Finding Keys to Freedom led them to MPower. “We had training for volunteers, but it was really lacking,” Sophie told us. The staff at Glory House went through a virtual MPower workshop with all their volunteers and “it was incredible,” Sophie said. “Every single thing we wanted to have for our volunteers was in the training.”

Glory House helps women who have been victims of human trafficking. Sophie mentioned that many people who volunteer to help others have been through trauma themselves and often need help on their own healing journey. “What the Lord did, because He is so good, is show us the Mercy training that would allow volunteers to find inner healing for themselves.” Now anyone who volunteers to be a care partner at Glory House, walking with women who have been trafficked, is required to go through both MPower and Keys to Freedom. “That healing book is anointed,” she told us, describing Keys to Freedom. “We saw miracle after miracle of healing for just the volunteers.” The staff at Glory House has now begun pairing trained volunteers with women who come to them for help.

Rebecca Billups founded Amazing Grace Discipleship Ministries in Wichita, Kansas after attending a Guidelines workshop at Mercy several years ago. Rebecca and her staff opened a residential program in 2019 and Keys to Freedom is part of their curriculum. “It’s easy to understand,” Rebecca says, “and it gets to the root issues. I did a lot of research on resources. This is one of the best things I have found.”

Keys to Freedom is also an important ministry tool for groups like Rebuild Real Men in South Carolina, which serves men in difficult circumstances including those coming out of prison. Tim Mays works with this ministry and says Keys to Freedom has generated impactful conversations among the men. “Particularly helpful has been identifying the lies you’ve bought into and renewing your mind with truth,” Tim shared. “Getting the men to write those truth cards. That’s been very powerful.” Rebuild Real Men focuses on the Head, Heart, and Hands. “Getting them to work is so important,” Tim says. “But dealing with the heart issues…Keys to Freedom is good stuff. It’s really good stuff!”

These are just a few examples of the many places Mercy resources are making an impact. Virtual tools like the MPower eCourse and the Keys to Freedom Teaching Series make it possible for these resources to be used around the globe! The wisdom God has entrusted to us is supposed to be shared, and we are amazed at the ways God is multiplying hope and healing far beyond our Residential and Outpatient Programs through Mercy’s Outreach Services. As other ministries use the discipleship and training tools developed at Mercy Multiplied, we live out our mission “to provide opportunities for all to experience the unconditional love, forgiveness, and life-transforming power of God!”

You can purchase your own copy of our Keys to Freedom study by clicking here!

Access our MPower content on your own time and schedule with our MPower eCourse! Learn more and gain access to this video series by clicking here.