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Violet – 2014 Graduate

VioletBefore I came to Mercy, I struggled with self-harm, depression and physical abuse. I was always angry and depressed, and my thoughts were focused on dying. Many of my problems began within my family relationships. My self-image was also very distorted, and I self-harmed to cope with the pain and hurt I had in my heart. I kept thinking of new ways to hurt myself.

I found out about Mercy through my aunt. I realized I was just going downhill and getting worse, not better. All I wanted to do was hurt myself and die. I decided that if I was going to have to live, then I wanted a good life. When I first came to Mercy, I was a quiet wallflower with my head down, hiding behind my hair. I was very angry, and I looked for ways to act out.

My turning point in the program came when I made the choice to forgive my parents. Healing came gushing into my heart, and I began to embrace God’s love for the first time. When I started hearing His voice, I finally knew that God loved me and that He is my perfect father.

At Mercy, I have learned that I don’ t have to hide anymore. I can face things now. I’ve learned how to handle anger the right way and to go to God first instead of self-harm. He has helped me to forgive myself and move past my past. I believe good about myself now, and God is showing me I am a fighter. My life has meaning now!

After I graduate, I want to finish school, get a job and have a normal life. I would also love to go to India on a mission trip. Maybe someday God will bring me back to work at Mercy.