Video Testimonies2024-03-18T10:52:19-05:00

Video Testimonies

You can’t argue with a changed life! Watch these stories of hope and transformation from the men and women we have served through our Residential and Outpatient Counseling Programs as well as our Outreach Services.


Sarah spent years trying to manage multiple addictions. She would finally get a grip on one and then another would spin out of control. Her [...]


As a pastor's kid, Taylor grew up in the church and loved her childhood. In high school, she found out that her Dad had cancer. [...]


Katie grew up in a loving family that went to church every Sunday. She knew about God but never had that personal relationship with Him. [...]

Hannah – Jocelyn

Hannah and Jocelyn grew up in a broken home. After their parents separated, they moved into their mom's house. With many men coming through the [...]


 Sophia grew up in Liberia, Africa. Throughout her childhood, she suffered from instances of sexual abuse, which led to isolation and fear of men. [...]
