At the age of three, I was adopted, and as I grew up, I carried feelings of anger and rejection from my birth parents. When I started elementary school, I was teased and rejected, which led to shyness and anger spurts. I was introduced to inappropriate websites, and I continually changed my personality for others. When high school hit, I formed a complete isolation bubble from my family and started having anxiety attacks. I hid inappropriate things that my classmates said and did, as well as the guilt, shame, and anger I felt. I even tried to hide my emotions when I lost a friend to suicide. Instead of working through my emotions, I kept allowing others to take advantage of me emotionally, verbally, and physically.

Soon I got into a relationship that not only broke the trust in my family but also took a toll on me emotionally. I fell into depression, and my anxiety attacks worsened. I let myself believe I was worth nothing. I felt that opening up about my struggles would just crush my family. In the end, I was hopeless, emotionally numb, and ready for a change.

After I walked through the doors of Mercy, God showed me that I do have a priceless purpose in life. Many counseling sessions taught me that I am loved, seen, fearless, worthy, purified, and forgiven. I no longer believe that I am rejected, cheap, or hopeless. My favorite verse while at Mercy was Proverbs 3:25-26 “Have no fear of sudden disaster or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked, for the Lord will be at your side and will keep your foot from being snared.” God spoke to me constantly that I have nothing to fear, but God Himself. Mercy helped me reach true restoration in my faith, uproot all the lies Satan tried to demolish me with, and taught me how to speak truth and life over myself. I learned to use multiple truth cards that helped me believe the truth that God’s love overcomes shame.

After Mercy, I plan to be involved at church in children’s ministry. Then go to community college, get a job, and apply myself to outreach to spread Christ everywhere.

To the donors, thank you so much for how much you have contributed to Mercy. If it were not for you, I would not have been able even to find an affordable place to help me find true freedom. I send my deepest regards.