Before Mercy, my life was chaos. I was living a life of crime with addiction, shame, unforgiveness, and condemnation. I remember telling God I couldn’t take it anymore, and if I never was going to change, I wanted Him to take my life because I was so tired. I have four kids, and I was missing out on their life. My oldest daughter wanted nothing to do with me because I had hurt her so much.

God started changing me and preparing me for my invitation to Mercy. After completing the application process, I was finally accepted.

When I walked in the doors of Mercy, I was treated with so much love. I had staff and my Mercy sisters speaking truth over my life.

While being at Mercy, I have learned how to renew my mind with truth statements. I have learned how a woman of God is supposed to look. While being at Mercy, my teenage daughter started talking to me, and we are rebuilding our relationship. I have a new identity in Christ, and I can honestly say being around all my Mercy sisters has changed my life. I now have sisters that love me and root for me, and I also have the privilege to see God work in their lives too. God promises to heal the brokenhearted, and I see that promise being fulfilled in my life and theirs.

After Mercy, I plan to finish my HISET. I have already passed 1 test, and I have four more to go. I will be living with my children, and I will be able to pass down the principles of freedom I learned from Mercy.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your donations. I pray the Lord blesses you 100x for everything that you do to even make Mercy possible. Because of your kindness, I am a free woman of God and can live free.