I grew up in a Christian home, but didn’t feel very individually cared for. I kept to myself a lot and was very lonely. Depression appeared at an early age and led to my struggle with self-harm. I also battled a pornography addiction and extreme apathy. I thought I had no choice in how my life turned out. In college I developed an eating disorder and was eventually hospitalized for suicidal tendencies.

When I was released from the hospital, my counselor told me about Mercy. I didn’t think it would work for me. I was just tired of life in general. My parents really encouraged me to pursue some kind of treatment. I initially pursued Mercy for their sake. I was very angry, but I tried to convince everyone that I was fine. 

A major turning point in my Mercy journey came when I realized during Christmas break that I had not been fully engaging my heart in the program. I saw that I had to be the one to make the changes that were needed. I finally told God that He could do what He needed to in my heart. I started opening up to the staff and trusting them with how I was really feeling. Once I began to be honest, God met me where I was and showed me who He was and how much He truly loved me.

Through Mercy, God showed me that the root of my life struggles was a fear of abandonment. This kept me isolated from the people around me, and even God Himself. But in the middle of all of this, God showed me that He will never leave me and will never let me down. He showed me His love for me personally and the joyful and fulfilling future He has prepared for me.

After graduating from Mercy, I will be finishing my Bachelor’s degree in Biblical Justice. Then I plan to pursue my Master’s degree in Music Therapy to work with survivors of sex trafficking. I want people to know the healing that God can bring to the brokenhearted like He did for me. 

To all the Mercy supporters, thank you for believing in me! You gave me hope and a place to be healed. Thank you so much for your obedience to God and your dedication to His work!