Taylor – 2014 Graduate


Taylor & NoahI had a great childhood. My dad was a pastor, and we practically lived at the church. However, my dad died of colon cancer when I was 15 years old, and I went downhill from there. My relationship with God was non-existent because I felt like He had failed me. There were a lot of things I had been believing for, and my prayers went unanswered. I began drinking and partying, trying to numb my emotions. I didn’t care about anything or anyone. In the midst of all that, I was raped by a family friend. Five months later, I found out I was pregnant as a result of the rape. It was a week after I graduated high school, and I had a full scholarship to a great college in another state. I was broken, confused, cold-hearted and lost. Since my dad died, I had felt like the world had been snatched from underneath my feet, and I had been running ever since. I needed a place to deal with my pregnancy and all the emotions that would come with it, as well as get some counseling for the loss of my dad, because I never really allowed myself to grieve. I had to stop trying to do things my way, so I applied to Mercy. 

I found out about Mercy from my mom. I honestly decided to apply because I knew I needed a place away from home to deal with everything. When I arrived, I was cold-hearted, emotionless and guarded. 

God really started working in me my first month at Mercy. I remember bawling during worship one day singing the song “He Loves Us.” I had never truly known the meaning of God’s love until then.

God has completely transformed my life. I’m free! He’s taught me that truth will set me free! He’s taught me that I’m clean, pure and white as snow. I am free from all self-condemnation! I’m an ambassador for Christ! Your faith gets tested when you decide to honor God and do things the right way, but you will always get rewarded! I’ve also learned that it’s okay to be transparent, honest, and open… with God and with others.

God has done amazing things in my life after Mercy. Over two years after graduating, He continues to fulfill His promises to me! I now attend a private Christian university and was just awarded a scholarship that will cover my tuition for the next school year. I have a year and a half left until I finish my bachelor’s degree in social work! I then plan to go to graduate school to get my doctorate degree. My son is thriving! He is so fun and smart. His constant love for the Lord is so evident in his life, even at a young age, and it beams out of him! I’ve gotten the opportunity to travel the world and recently went to Africa. I got to spread the Gospel, be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ, and share my testimony with other hurting girls. I have continued to use my journey to be a light in other girls’ situations that are similar to mine! I just recently hosted a free event specifically for young moms and pregnant teens at a high school in my area. I have been volunteering for these young ladies for the last two years, and the event was filled with workshops that dealt with teen and mommy struggles. We even did makeovers and had gifts for the moms and their babies! It was a day to remind the girls that they are truly Daughters of the Most High King. Everyday I am so beyond blessed that God chose me to share His light and be the light in so much darkness. God has been so faithful to me since graduating from Mercy, and it’s only the beginning!