Taniyah – 2017 Graduate

Taniyah - 2017 Mercy GraduateI accepted the Lord as my Savior at a young age, but my home life wasn’t anything like heaven. A close family member struggled with alcoholism, was sexually abusive, and abused me for about six years. To cope, I became physically violent. At 11, I was molested again by a close family member and began self-harming. To add to my shame, I was raped at 16 years old by a co-worker. To fill the void I felt, I began having sex. I continued in that lifestyle for just over two years. Then, at 19, I was raped again. I became angry and hateful.

I heard about Mercy through the student life pastor at the college I was attending. Even though I was unsure I wanted to face my pain at that time, I knew I was out of options. I moved back home and applied to Mercy within days. I arrived, dead inside, acting like nothing could ever hurt me. I was unaware of how broken I truly was. I figured I could make it through this program and come out doing okay.

While I was at Mercy, God broke my walls. I began to feel and relate through emotions, but learned not to be controlled by them. I first allowed God to walk with me and hold me through my past. This allowed me to truly see Him as the Father and protector. Secondly, I was able to be real with Him. Once I could trust Him with my anger, I grew to trust Him with my pain too. He held my broken heart and took the weight of it while He healed me! Praise God!

During my time at Mercy, I learned that my past doesn’t define me and that I have a choice. God has given me my voice back, and He is my definition. I go to Him to define me and tell me who I am. I have hope for my future and have been blessed with such a great peace!

After Mercy, I plan to pursue a four-year degree. Long term, I plan to step into God’s call to speak and teach His word.

I am so grateful to Mercy. Thanks to Nancy for her obedience to Christ. Being here turned me to Christ, and that wouldn’t be possible without supporters. Thanks to the Mercy staff for living out the call of God on your lives. Thank you to all who donate, even a small amount. You have truly been a blessing, and you’re the ones providing the way for God to move. You’re the ones who deserve the round of applause. Thank you.