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Ta’Kiesha – 2014 Graduate

Ta'KeishaMy childhood was not a normal one. I was molested from age seven until I was 12. I got pregnant at 16 from someone I thought I loved, but miscarried. The same thing happened again when I was 18. In the midst of all that, I finally told a teacher in my life about the sexual abuse I had endured, and from that moment on I was in and out of lawyer’s offices and court rooms. I couldn’t keep up in school and I ended up dropping out during my junior year of high school. I felt like my life was over. I started smoking, drinking and partying all the time. I left home and would stay the night at different guys’ houses, trying to fill the hole in my heart created by the abuse. I couldn’t keep a job because I didn’t like men telling me what to do. I also really badly messed up my relationship with my sister. Eventually, I found out about Mercy through my mother. She had been praying for me, and one of her friends who was praying also told her about the program.

At Mercy, I learned how to submit to authority and how to see myself the way God sees me. I also learned that giving up does not have to be part of my life anymore. God has restored my life and my family relationships. God showed me that He is a true Father to me, and that I can always call on him no matter what—He is always listening. God also gave me the ability to forgive my abuser.

After I graduate from Mercy, I really want to help young girls and lead them in the right way. want to help out at my church in the outreach program and be the servant God has called me to be. Hopefully, one day I will write a book about my life! I also want to give back to Mercy in some way.

To Nancy Alcorn, thank you for having a heart for girls like me. I also want to say a big thank you to all the donors who give to Mercy—you don’t know how much you’ve blessed me. Thank you so much for all the prayer and support that you’ve given. God used Mercy to change my life for good.