

2022-10-06T15:04:09-05:00Aug 22, 2019|2019, Lives Transformed|

"Thank you so much for your support. Without you, I would not have been able to find this freedom in Christ and have a healthy future."

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2022-10-12T15:18:19-05:00Apr 30, 2019|2019, Lives Transformed|

"Through my time at Mercy, God has delivered me from many unhealthy addictions, the need to restrict and purge my food, and depression."

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2022-10-13T15:58:12-05:00Dec 31, 2018|2018, Lives Transformed|

My biological family was really healthy when I was young.  We went to church every week, and I got saved when I was young. However, [...]

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2022-10-13T15:59:08-05:00Dec 31, 2018|2018, Lives Transformed|

I was physically abused when I was young. In the 8th grade, an eating disorder began to form, and in high school, I became depressed, [...]

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2022-10-13T16:01:35-05:00Dec 31, 2018|2018, Lives Transformed|

My birth mom was in an abusive relationship, and her boyfriend would sometimes get upset and beat her. I wanted to defend her, but I [...]

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2022-10-13T16:30:50-05:00Oct 17, 2018|2018, Lives Transformed|

I grew up in a loving but struggling home. My parents were very young when they had me. Throughout my whole life I was bullied [...]

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2022-10-14T10:33:24-05:00Jul 12, 2018|2018, Lives Transformed|

When I was younger, my family moved around a few times. My mom and dad separated when I was 6 years old. My childhood was [...]

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2022-10-14T11:01:22-05:00Mar 14, 2018|2018, Lives Transformed|

When I was five years old, someone I should have been able to trust abandoned me. To cope with the pain, I struggled with anxiety, self-harm, and [...]

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2020-09-22T15:29:50-05:00Sep 1, 2017|2017, Lives Transformed|

Sarah - 2017 Graduate I was born to a young, single mother. Since I never had a relationship with my biological [...]

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2020-09-22T15:29:50-05:00Aug 31, 2017|2017, Lives Transformed|

Lauren - 2017 Graduate Before coming to Mercy Multiplied, I struggled with severe anxiety and depression. After my parents divorced, I [...]

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