When I was a baby, my father moved to America to support our family financially, and shortly after, my mom left us. I was raised by my grandparents in a Christian home.

In 2011, my sister and I moved to America to live with my father. For 2-3 years, I was sexually abused by multiple family members and friends. This added shame, guilt, and disgust towards myself. For so many years, I suppressed all my emotions. I started revealing my hurts and pains by controlling my weight, isolating, and self-harming. Soon, I started having suicidal thoughts and planning how I would end my life. Through a lot of support from friends and family, I was able to push through my junior and senior year of high school.

Shortly after that, my mother contacted me for the first time since she left us. I started feeling abandoned, unloved, unworthy, and alone all over again. My mentor at the time searched for a place for me to get healing, and that is when she came across Mercy Multiplied.

Upon entering the Mercy home, I had intended to leave after 30 days, but God had a different plan in mind for me. I didn’t have a personal relationship with Him because I didn’t know His heart. He showed me that He is not like my earthly parents; He is with me everywhere, and He loves me despite my shortcomings.

My Mercy journey was painful but sweet because God transferred all of my head knowledge to my heart. He has taken my shame and restored me to wholeness. I am forever grateful to my counselor, who God anointed to help me in my journey. I used to be ashamed of my testimony, but I am thankful to say that the enemy no longer has that authority over me.

After Mercy, I’ve decided to go to school and find a job. I plan to be open and listen to my Father’s voice with the intention of obeying anything that He asks of me.

To the donors, thank you so very much; because of your kindness and generosity, my life is forever changed.  What you are doing is not a waste of time, money, or effort. Thank you for contributing to the Kingdom of God.