My life growing up was filled with uncertainty. I never knew what to expect, and I experienced rejection, abandonment, and abuse. My birth parents were addicted to drugs and alcohol. I never felt safe or loved. The only thing I knew for sure was my birth parents did not want me, due to the constant reminders that they gave me.

By the age of eight, I was placed in the foster system after my birth mother lost custody of us. My siblings and I went from home to home, and I was terrified. I knew anywhere would be better than being ignored, abused, or forgotten. All I wanted was a family to love me and a place to call home. Eventually, my aunt took me and my siblings in. We lived with her for a couple of years, and I was content with that because for once, I had a family who loved me. At age ten, my birth father passed away. He was our last hope at having a family. He was clean and fighting to get custody back.

Months later, my social worker sat my sister and me down and told us that we were going to be adopted into a really great family. My dream was coming true. I was now a part of the family I was meant to be with forever! For the first time in a very long time, I had joy, happiness, and love in my heart. Through going to church, I came to know God. As I grew up, I stayed in the scripture and went to church and youth group.

During my sophomore year of high school, I experienced my first break up. I started to feel hurt that I had shoved down for years. At age 17, I began to experience sexual activity, drugs, and alcohol, and soon all I knew was lying, parties, and doing anything to get attention. I became depressed and did not want to live anymore, which led to suicide attempts, physical harm, and psychiatric hospital visits. All I knew was I needed hope, and if I did not get help soon, I would not be alive for much longer. After my last hospital visit, the facility gave me a few options of where I could go, but I didn’t like my options. My cousin told me about Mercy Multiplied and how it completely changed her life. So, I chose Mercy Multiplied.

When I got to Mercy, I was terrified but determined to get better. Little did I know, God would completely transform my life. God met me exactly where I was with all the hurt and pain and pulled me out of the darkness. He showed me what real love is and that is Him. Being at Mercy taught me that I could break every generational pattern and break free from oppression the enemy has put on me. In my heart, I know I am a renewed woman in Christ. Every day is a new day to praise and walk with Jesus. I am wanted and loved by God!

After Mercy, I plan to go back to Community College and get my associate degree then transfer to Nursing School to become an E.R. nurse. While at school, I will be working at Chick-fil-a! I will be joining a young adults group and continue walking on the path God has for me!