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Sierra – 2014 Graduate

Sierra2014I always felt as though I had a dark emptiness within me that I could never fill growing up. I tried to fill the hole by bingeing and purging. My bulimia consumed my entire life and got to the point where it was all I lived for. I knew that this lifestyle would end up killing me, and that is not what I wanted. I wanted a life of freedom. I was just unsure of how to get it.

I needed inpatient treatment, yet I did not have the funds to pay for it. My dad was searching around on the Internet for free or low-cost treatment when Mercy came up. I did not grow up with a religion or any specific thoughts on God, but I was desperate for help, so I overlooked the fact that Mercy was Christ-centered. I simply applied because it was free of charge. I was at my personal rock bottom when I arrived at Mercy, and I was ready and willing to do anything to gain my life back and no longer be controlled by my eating disorder.

While at Mercy, I gave my life to Christ, which was the beginning of my now intimate relationship with God. Around two and a half months into the program, I completely surrendered my will to God and everything started clicking into place as He began completely changing my desires. God has filled up the dark emptiness that I had always felt within and has given me true life. Through a newfound relationship with God, my life is filled with light, and I am no longer crippled by an eating disorder.

After graduation, I will be returning home where I plan on furthering my relationship with God and seeking His kingdom above all else. I plan to get a job and be highly involved in my church. I plan on going back to school in the near future and hope to become a motivational speaker so I can share my story with others.

Because of the generosity of Mercy donors, I was able to come to a safe environment where I was completely transformed. Through this beautiful opportunity that you all made possible, my hope has fully been restored. Thank you so much!