Sharayah – 2010 Graduate

SharayahBefore coming to Mercy, I was trapped in a vicious cycle of depression and hopelessness. I wrestled for over 12 years with self-injury, suicidal thoughts and anorexia. A pattern of abusive relationships, which culminated in an abusive marriage, reinforced my belief that I was worthless and powerless. I applied to Mercy because I knew that there was something very wrong with the situation I was in and I needed help to get out. While I was on the waiting list, I found myself pregnant and homeless.

At Mercy, I was constantly reminded that my child and I had worth and value in God’s eyes and that He had a hope and a future for us. I knew right from the start that I wanted to parent my son, but was afraid that either my fear of his father or things in my past would interfere with my ability to bond with him. Because of the healing I received while at Mercy, Josiah was born and I completely fell in love with him. I have adored being a mom!

Since graduation, God has been so faithful to Josiah and me in so many ways! I have seen Him provide for us over and over again. God has brought many relationships into my life to continue the work he started at Mercy. I’ve been learning how to daily put into practice all the things I learned while in the program. Thank you so much for making it possible for me to spend the last 6 months of my pregnancy in a safe environment, surrounded by godly people who genuinely cared for me and my unborn child. Without God’s intervention in my life through Mercy Ministries, I am not sure that I would even be alive, much less thriving, loving life and being a mom!