Shannah – 2015 Graduate

ShannahI was born in Africa and trafficked from a very early age. I was told horrendous lies about my worth and soon began to believe them. I was miraculously rescued from the horror that I was living in around the age of six and shortly after taken to a children’s home. Having been locked up by my abusers most of my childhood, the free world was so foreign to me. I didn’t know how to speak or act around people, and I was often made fun of. Eventually I was adopted by a family in the United States. They loved me to the best of their ability, but I was incapable of opening up to anyone. To make matters worse, I started being sexually abused by a family member which caused me to shut down even more. When I moved out of my parent’s house, I looked to men to numb the pain I felt. I began living a double life. I overworked to avoid getting into further trouble and to have an excuse not to eat. In my busyness and because I hated how I looked, I ate less and less. I ended up getting pregnant but lost my child because of how I was treating my body. I became very depressed and moved back in with my parents. I then started having suicidal thoughts due to all that I was feeling inside.

My dad found out about Mercy online. I chose to apply because despite my suicidal thoughts, I really didn’t want to end my life, and I had a small hope that God still wanted to use me.

A turning point in my time at Mercy came when I started trusting the staff and believing they wanted the best for me. They met me in several hard moments with love and encouragement. They continued to show me how to open up and let God heal me from the inside out.

God has given me hope! He has taught me how to love and value myself. For the first time I see myself as a BEAUTIFUL CHILD OF THE KING! God has also shown me that He will always be my safe place. He has given me a love for others and a desire to help them find true freedom in Christ alone.

After graduating from Mercy, I will be working for a ministry that helps girls who have been rescued from sex trafficking.

I would like to thank all Mercy supporters for caring so much for my freedom and fighting for the life God has for me. I am so grateful that you would support me without even knowing who I am. May our Lord Jesus Christ bless you.