I was bullied throughout middle school and high school. I felt like I could never reach the school’s expectations for grades and behavior.

The dean at my school and one of my pastors suggested that I look into Mercy. I decided to apply because I trusted my dean and pastor’s advice. I also felt the Lord telling me to come. I knew I needed it. When I arrived, I didn’t trust the authority and was frustrated. I didn’t want to forgive anyone in my life and believed that it was impossible.

At Mercy, I surrendered self-harm and anxiety to the Lord and was freed. I learned how to grieve appropriately and got to a point where I was able to look at the scale and be okay with my weight.

God taught me that I had freedom in Him all along and that I didn’t need to earn it. I learned that I am a flawless creation in His eyes.

Right now I am in the process of applying to Louisiana Delta Service Corps. It’s a volunteer-pay program for eleven months. After a year or two, I hope to attend school to go into children’s ministry.

I want to thank the Mercy donors so much for all you do. I know you give out of your hearts and I and the other girls appreciate that. It’s because of all of you that we are able to come here and receive the freedom that we needed so desperately. Thank you for giving to the Lord’s Kingdom.